Not everyone whom desires access to your life, your heart, and your spirit are worthy of the access they seek. Protect it. Your time is your most valuable asset. By all means give it to those whom will appreciate it. But to continuously allow yourself to be used and suffer through other’s actions, you’re doing no one any justice. Take care of you first so that you can take care of your purpose and be all that you were meant to be. Then you will be able to be there for others. ~ Maritza Alvarez
So true, access need to be restricted to those who really deserve to be there... surround yourself with people who know and value your true worth and restrict it to those who really deserve to be there.
I've always put others first hoping for a return in accomplishment it does not work be you whom you are, feel free and live life.
I always believe in that wisdom not everyone who deserve to be in my life . heart and spirit are too expensive things that must be awarded to best one.