If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. - Mother Teresa
If you want to change the world the first place to look is in the mirror! Everything starts with yourself.
Sit down together at the table for meals whenever possible, play games together as a family, talk about your day! No need for expensive holidays just enjoy each other❤️
If you work hard and focus on the right things, then you’ll succeed and be able to give back money and time to the communities. It doesn’t matter how others see you, but it does matter how you see yourself and what you did to improve.
Don’t let it stop you from receiving love from others while doing your best to survive throughout life’s hurdles and challenges.
We’ve only got one life to live, so live it happier and love people who can use your love too!
Lord keep families together and strong in their faith of loving our Lord. Start with your core family. Respect, trust, honesty and love.
That's a truth which hardly goes in the brains of those seeking to bring change. First try and see inside if you need change before going to change the world!!