Your son will hold your hand for only a little while, but he will hold your heart for a lifetime. If you have a son who makes your life worth living by just being around him and you're proud of your son, let the whole world know!
Our son has brought a life time of joy to us! He amazes us as he follows his earthly father and his Heavenly Father.❤️. I prayed for a son that would be just like his father, and God said yes! ❤️ I thank God daily for him.
My whole world DOES know. One son who continues to astonish me every day, who never ceases to amaze me with what he does or says, who, one day, will make some young lady very proud to call him "hers." I have been blessed and I'm very, very proud to call him my son.
My son is the kindest young man I've ever met. If he could help everyone, he would. If he could end violence, war, and make it so no one needed a weapon to protect themselves because the world was a safer place, HE WOULD! I know he will do something spectacular to change the world in a truly positive way, one fine day! Love him to pieces!