Health comes from Laughter and Love

Health does not always come from medicine. Most of the time it comes from peace of mind, peace in the heart, peace of soul. It comes from laughter and love. 

Happeness and peace of mind is the best medicine in the "WORLD".

Those who are lucky will have it rest of them will be working 24/7 to make it possible for there families to feel it where in there lives very few will get it in return too, might be very luckiest one. I must say it sounds bitter but it's the truth

Never a truer word said i found that on the streets having a good laugh amongst ourselfs took away the pain sometimes. It is very true peace of mind can make us healthy.

Put  your priorities first. be strong. Fight hard, work hard, extra hard! 

Having the love of your family and friends is the best medicine in the world. 

From recent experience when you get the balance right between mind, body, heart and soul, that is true health. 

My health has come from all of that and finding a relationship with God!!! My new outlook on life has changed me into a better person all around. For that I am grateful.

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